Tencent Careers
Tencent Careers
Tencent Careers
Brand Identity
CD - Tinghao Hu / Kip Liu
GD - Shepard
过往腾讯全球招聘未形成统一的视觉形象,主要基于集团形象做延展。海外招聘沟通中对于视觉差异化需求强,却未有成体系、好延展的视觉系统。腾讯全球招聘希望集成集团形象的腾讯体和腾讯蓝,并基于企鹅图形构成独特的符号,传达邀请多元人才一起拥抱世界的理想。合理犯规因此将腾讯的企鹅剪影与地球结合,呈现出拥抱的姿态,呼应拥抱世界,以及标语 — "Expand Your Horizon”(拓展你的视界)。以地球和地平线的视觉传达探索新疆界和怀抱希望的意向。
Tencent’s global recruitment primarily extended from Tencent's corporate identity in the past. However, there is a significant demand for visual differentiation in the overseas recruitment communication. We were tasked to create a unique symbol based on Tencent's signature penguin symbol that can invite diverse talents to embrace the world with Tencent.
We combined Tencent’s penguin silhouette with the globe. This not only echoes the idea of embracing the world but also aligns with Tencent’s global recruitment slogan — "Expand Your Horizon." The globe and the horizon conveys the intention of exploring new frontiers and embracing hope.
Tencent’s global recruitment primarily extended from Tencent's corporate identity in the past. However, there is a significant demand for visual differentiation in the overseas recruitment communication. We were tasked to create a unique symbol based on Tencent's signature penguin symbol that can invite diverse talents to embrace the world with Tencent.
We combined Tencent’s penguin silhouette with the globe. This not only echoes the idea of embracing the world but also aligns with Tencent’s global recruitment slogan — "Expand Your Horizon." The globe and the horizon conveys the intention of exploring new frontiers and embracing hope.
Tencent’s global recruitment primarily extended from Tencent's corporate identity in the past. However, there is a significant demand for visual differentiation in the overseas recruitment communication. We were tasked to create a unique symbol based on Tencent's signature penguin symbol that can invite diverse talents to embrace the world with Tencent.
We combined Tencent’s penguin silhouette with the globe. This not only echoes the idea of embracing the world but also aligns with Tencent’s global recruitment slogan — "Expand Your Horizon." The globe and the horizon conveys the intention of exploring new frontiers and embracing hope.